Experiments, fragments and visions of the great creative genius – Sperimentazioni, frammenti e visioni del grande genio creativo!
Company Aiello presents a bilingual theatrical performance in Italian and English called “Fables of Leonardo – Favole di Leonardo”.
Fairy tales, puppetry, and music combine to create a dynamic theatrical experience inspired by the writings and observations of the great Leonardo da Vinci. Using the anecdotes and aphorisms that Leonardo used to cheer the guests at the court of Duke Ludovico il Moro of Milan as a jumping-off point, Company Aiello has created a show that combines the company’s specialities with the time of Leonardo and the wonderful world of this witty, versatile, and tireless prankster.
“As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death!”
This quote of Leonardo’s makes it easy to imagine a man always ready to jump into the limelight to share his ideas: his subtle observation of natural phenomena, his artistic experiences and how he linked them to the
physical universe. An innovator with insatiable curiosity who also takes relaxing seriously, showing a blend of humor and balance which brings us to our first fable, evoking the past tense: “The City of Leggerezza”
The second part, or present tense, is “The Ramification of Plants/Tree and Muscles”. The use of recycled objects and contemporary/free sounds, inspired by Leonardo’s process of investigation and developing hypotheses, will explore the Anthropocene natural world we are creating.
Finally in the third fable – looking to the future, as in a prophetic revelation, the Company will devise instruments and experiences from the past toward a vision of generations yet to arrive: “Of the Nature Now Cooked”.
This show was conceived to remember Leonardo da Vinci on the 500th anniversary of his death (1519).
Performed by Angelo Aiello, Anita Holland, Antonello di Matteo, and Rachel Icenogle
Text written by Angelo Aiello, Tony Fiola, & Rachel Icenogle
Music by Antonello Di Matteo & Rachel Icenogle
December 11 – 7:00pm, $10 suggested
The Rotunda, 4014 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104